mardi 20 octobre 2009


Non je deconne. Juste la sortie aujourd'hui du nouveau Pepsi. Apres le Schizo (pun intended bordel), le Azuki (check l'ortho ... ok).

Selon ton pote Wiki :

"The azuki bean (アズキ, formerly spelled adzuki or aduki) is an annual vine widely grown throughout East Asia and the Himalayas for its small (approximately 5 mm) bean. The cultivars most familiar in north-east Asia have a uniform red color, but white, black, gray and variously mottled varieties are also known. Scientists presume Vigna angularis var. nipponensis is the progenitor. Genetic evidence indicates that the azuki bean was first domesticated in the Himalayas. It was cultivated in China and Korea before 1000 BC. It was later taken to Japan, where it is now the second most popular legume after the soybean"

Bref, la pate de soja est utilisee pour la confection de delicieux desserts (enfin ca depend des gouts bien sur).

Close-up testing : ce Pepsi n'est pas degueu. Un gout de Dr Pepper. Vachement sucre bien sur.

A tester avec du Bacardi tiens.

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Ama a dit…
